SAFE Pledge Cards


Seatbelts are a vital part of safe driving practices and are proven to save lives. Hosting a monthly pledge drive is one way you can spread awareness about seatbelt safety. Contact SAFE about how to use their pledge cards for an in-person or virtual pledge drive.

Is This Activity Online, In-person, or both: Both
Cost: Free
Point Value: 300 - 600

Submission Instructions: To get your points.

·       Complete the activity as described above.

·       Take photos/video of students participating in the activity.

·       Click "Submit Points."

·       Fill out the online submission COMPLETELY.

·       Enter the name and email of the submitter.

·       Upload your photos/video and a brief description of the activity (including the date of completion and any people pictured in the photo).

·       Schools must take new photos with and submit these pictures to earn points again for the current year.

·       We will be updating the Leaderboard weekly. Please have patience if your points do not show immediately.

Share photos and videos to school social media sites and tag Oklahoma Challenge and sponsoring safety organization.

o   Facebook #okchallenge or @OKChallengeDistractedDriving

o   Twitter @OK_Challenge or #okchallenge

o   Instagram @oklahomachallenge or #okchallenge

About/Contact Information:

Contact Names: Dena Kemp


Phone: (405) 548-5063

Organization: Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

About Your Organization: Oklahoma Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

A free teen-run peer to peer school-based program in Oklahoma. The SAFE program operates with support from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). SAFE focuses on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards, and enforcement. The program brings awareness to the importance of wearing a seatbelt, therefore, reducing the number of motor-related injuries and fatalities among teens. The SAFE program consists of a partnership between:  Schools: Faculty or Staff sponsors (formally sends in the participation form at, Students:  Providing peer involvement & input (great for current leaderships groups such FCCLA, Student Councils, NHS, FFA.), Law Enforcement:  Providing strong enforcement & traffic safety education, Program Specialist:  assists with resources and technical assistance for program success such as education to the SAFE team, safety vests, clip boards, program materials, small prizes, and assistance for applying for local donations, Seatbelt Observational Surveys (Baseline & final surveys), Monthly educational activities (, Enforcement campaign, Pledge cards and monthly prize drawings.  The GOAL OF SAFE is to increase seatbelt use among students in Oklahoma while providing strong traffic safety messages throughout the school year. This is a great leadership opportunity, and the program specialists are even willing to write letters of support for students involved.

o   According to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, 36% of teen motor vehicle fatalities from 2017 to 2019 involved a teen that was unrestrained.

o   According to the Baseline Observational Seatbelt Data versus the Final Observational Seatbelt Data conducted by the SAFE teams there was regularly an increase of seatbelt use among SAFE schools after completing the program each year.

Organization Website:

Submit Points

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Seatbelts are a vital part of safe driving practices and are proven to save lives. Hosting a monthly pledge drive is one way you can spread awareness about seatbelt safety. Contact SAFE about how to use their pledge cards for an in-person or virtual pledge drive.

Is This Activity Online, In-person, or both: Both
Cost: Free
Point Value: 300 - 600

Submission Instructions: To get your points.

·       Complete the activity as described above.

·       Take photos/video of students participating in the activity.

·       Click "Submit Points."

·       Fill out the online submission COMPLETELY.

·       Enter the name and email of the submitter.

·       Upload your photos/video and a brief description of the activity (including the date of completion and any people pictured in the photo).

·       Schools must take new photos with and submit these pictures to earn points again for the current year.

·       We will be updating the Leaderboard weekly. Please have patience if your points do not show immediately.

Share photos and videos to school social media sites and tag Oklahoma Challenge and sponsoring safety organization.

o   Facebook #okchallenge or @OKChallengeDistractedDriving

o   Twitter @OK_Challenge or #okchallenge

o   Instagram @oklahomachallenge or #okchallenge

About/Contact Information:

Contact Names: Dena Kemp


Phone: (405) 548-5063

Organization: Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

About Your Organization: Oklahoma Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

A free teen-run peer to peer school-based program in Oklahoma. The SAFE program operates with support from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). SAFE focuses on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards, and enforcement. The program brings awareness to the importance of wearing a seatbelt, therefore, reducing the number of motor-related injuries and fatalities among teens. The SAFE program consists of a partnership between:  Schools: Faculty or Staff sponsors (formally sends in the participation form at, Students:  Providing peer involvement & input (great for current leaderships groups such FCCLA, Student Councils, NHS, FFA.), Law Enforcement:  Providing strong enforcement & traffic safety education, Program Specialist:  assists with resources and technical assistance for program success such as education to the SAFE team, safety vests, clip boards, program materials, small prizes, and assistance for applying for local donations, Seatbelt Observational Surveys (Baseline & final surveys), Monthly educational activities (, Enforcement campaign, Pledge cards and monthly prize drawings.  The GOAL OF SAFE is to increase seatbelt use among students in Oklahoma while providing strong traffic safety messages throughout the school year. This is a great leadership opportunity, and the program specialists are even willing to write letters of support for students involved.

o   According to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, 36% of teen motor vehicle fatalities from 2017 to 2019 involved a teen that was unrestrained.

o   According to the Baseline Observational Seatbelt Data versus the Final Observational Seatbelt Data conducted by the SAFE teams there was regularly an increase of seatbelt use among SAFE schools after completing the program each year.

Organization Website:

Submit Points

Seatbelts are a vital part of safe driving practices and are proven to save lives. Hosting a monthly pledge drive is one way you can spread awareness about seatbelt safety. Contact SAFE about how to use their pledge cards for an in-person or virtual pledge drive.

Is This Activity Online, In-person, or both: Both
Cost: Free
Point Value: 300 - 600

Submission Instructions: To get your points.

·       Complete the activity as described above.

·       Take photos/video of students participating in the activity.

·       Click "Submit Points."

·       Fill out the online submission COMPLETELY.

·       Enter the name and email of the submitter.

·       Upload your photos/video and a brief description of the activity (including the date of completion and any people pictured in the photo).

·       Schools must take new photos with and submit these pictures to earn points again for the current year.

·       We will be updating the Leaderboard weekly. Please have patience if your points do not show immediately.

Share photos and videos to school social media sites and tag Oklahoma Challenge and sponsoring safety organization.

o   Facebook #okchallenge or @OKChallengeDistractedDriving

o   Twitter @OK_Challenge or #okchallenge

o   Instagram @oklahomachallenge or #okchallenge

About/Contact Information:

Contact Names: Dena Kemp


Phone: (405) 548-5063

Organization: Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

About Your Organization: Oklahoma Seatbelts Are for Everyone (SAFE)

A free teen-run peer to peer school-based program in Oklahoma. The SAFE program operates with support from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). SAFE focuses on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards, and enforcement. The program brings awareness to the importance of wearing a seatbelt, therefore, reducing the number of motor-related injuries and fatalities among teens. The SAFE program consists of a partnership between:  Schools: Faculty or Staff sponsors (formally sends in the participation form at, Students:  Providing peer involvement & input (great for current leaderships groups such FCCLA, Student Councils, NHS, FFA.), Law Enforcement:  Providing strong enforcement & traffic safety education, Program Specialist:  assists with resources and technical assistance for program success such as education to the SAFE team, safety vests, clip boards, program materials, small prizes, and assistance for applying for local donations, Seatbelt Observational Surveys (Baseline & final surveys), Monthly educational activities (, Enforcement campaign, Pledge cards and monthly prize drawings.  The GOAL OF SAFE is to increase seatbelt use among students in Oklahoma while providing strong traffic safety messages throughout the school year. This is a great leadership opportunity, and the program specialists are even willing to write letters of support for students involved.

o   According to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, 36% of teen motor vehicle fatalities from 2017 to 2019 involved a teen that was unrestrained.

o   According to the Baseline Observational Seatbelt Data versus the Final Observational Seatbelt Data conducted by the SAFE teams there was regularly an increase of seatbelt use among SAFE schools after completing the program each year.

Organization Website:

Submit Points